Israel Confirms F-35 Operational Use

Israel has used its F-35s in combat in the Middle East.

Israeli Major-General Amikam Norkin, who commands the Air Force, confirmed this week that Israel has used its F-35s operationally.

He reportedly displayed a photo of an F-35 over Beirut, which would indicate that at least some of the missions the F-35 has been involved in pertained to Syria.

The F-35s — dubbed F-35I ‘Adir’ in Israeli service — began arriving to the country in December 2016 and four batches have been received so far. Israel declared the first jets operational in December 2017.

Derek Bisaccio
Lead Analyst, Defense Markets and Strategic Analysis at  |  + posts

Military markets analyst, covering Eurasia, Middle East, and Africa.

About Derek Bisaccio

Military markets analyst, covering Eurasia, Middle East, and Africa.

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