Russia Marketing the Buk-M3 for Export

Russia is marketing the latest version of the Buk, called the Viking.

The Viking air-defense missile system (ADMS), the export version of the Buk-M3, is now officially being advertised to interested customers, according to a Rostec press release.

Rosoboronexport’s deputy director general, Sergei Ladygin, was quoted as saying, “That’s good news for us and our foreign partners. The ‘Viking’ complex preserves the best characteristics of the famous line of the ‘Buk’ air defence missile systems and represents the milestone in the development of the medium-range ADMS.”

The range of the missile system has been increased, as has its fire rate.

The Rostec press release noted that the Viking “has a capability of integrating launchers from the ‘Antei-2500’ ADMS, which provides for the capability of target engagement at a distance up to 130 kilometers.”

The Antey-2500 is another Russian missile system, also referred to as the S-300VM. Russia recently began delivering the Antey-2500 to Egypt, which is also interested in the Buk-M3.

Rostec asserted the Viking export version has been developed in a manner as to be compatible with the varying requirements of potential customers. The firm stated, “The combat control station of the ‘Viking’ has a possibility of integration with the organic radar system as well as with other radars, including the ones produced outside Russia, but possessing required characteristics.”

The Russian military began receiving the Buk-M3 for use in operational service in 2016.

Derek Bisaccio
Lead Analyst, Defense Markets and Strategic Analysis at  |  + posts

Military markets analyst, covering Eurasia, Middle East, and Africa.

About Derek Bisaccio

Military markets analyst, covering Eurasia, Middle East, and Africa.

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