Thales: Africa’s Leading Air Traffic Management Provider

by Greg Giaquinto, Electronic Systems Analyst, Forecast International.

Thales remains the undisputed leader in air traffic management in Africa.  African countries are being managed by Thales’ TopSky-ATC system, which handles at least 70 percent of the region’s air traffic. 

In recent developments, Thales announced in 2016 that it was modernizing the ATM system at Egypt’s Hurghada and Taba international airports with the TopSky-ATC automation system and TopSky Tower integrated ATC tower solution, along with primary and secondary radars and communication systems.

What’s more, in September 2016, Air Traffic and Navigation Services SOC Ltd (ATNS), the air navigation service provider of South Africa, selected Thales to supply, install, and commission Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) surveillance systems, primary and secondary surveillance radars, and distance measuring equipment (DME) technology at a number of its ATC sites.  This work will modernize air traffic management across South Africa.

Thales also provides ATM services for Algeria, Angola, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Sudan, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

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