Forecast Roundtable – Brexit Part 2

Brexit podcast

Welcome to the Forecast Roundtable Podcast. Forecast Roundtable brings together expert analysts, industry professionals, and government officials to discuss the latest issues in the aerospace and defense markets. Produced at the Forecast International headquarters, Forecast Roundtable offers unique and in depth insight and discussion on any range of topics from geopolitics to aerospace and defense markets. Topic suggestions are welcome.

This episode continues the discussion from Brexit Part 1 between Matthew W. Beres and Dan Darling Europe/Asia Military Markets Analyst for Forecast International regarding the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the EU.

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00:44 – Why is it that the leave vote came as such as shock?

01:30 – Unwashed masses/peasants revolting/popularism

03:15 – How is the Brexit going to affect Britain’s relationship with NATO and the defense of Europe?

07:45 – Will instability caused by the Brexit encourage Russia to take advantage or increase aggression in Eastern Europe and the Baltics?

09:10 – Rehash of governance at sovereign level and greater implications.

10:50 – Growing wariness of centralization of power in Brussels/post-modern trend to ignore pride in national tradition/culture/identity

13:30 – Will technocrats learn from mistakes leading to Brexit?

14:30 – What has the EU lost from the Brexit?

15:30 – Merkel’s effort to step back from influencing local British elections.

17:00 – Is there a major shift in power both in Britain and the European Union?

18:25 – Reaction to globalization and a dissociated elite class.

21:25 – British pride in the face of negative rhetoric towards nationalism.

The Forecast International International Military Markets series examines the military capabilities, equipment requirements, and force structures inventories of 140 countries, with corresponding coverage of the political and economic trends shaping the defense market outlook for individual countries and regions.

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