Broadening the Appeal of a Sophisticated Missile Decoy

by Andrew Dardine, Electronic Systems Analyst, Forecast International.

The still-evolving, Leonardo-produced BriteCloud expendable active decoy (EAD), missile countermeasures system is on the verge of significant fighter jet application in the years ahead.  The system consists of a self-contained digital RF memory (DRFM) jammer designed to disrupt incoming missiles’ RF tracking systems.

In November 2013, BriteCloud’s developers announced that Saab would be the first partner to offer its new system as an optional electronic warfare enhancement for its Gripen fighter jet.  Since then, Saab has received orders for 96 Gripen NG versions.  This total includes 60 Gripen Es for the Swedish Air Force, and 28 Gripen Es and eight Gripen Fs for the Brazilian Air Force.

Into the next decade, sales opportunities for the Gripen and, by extension, the BriteCloud decoy system may also be found in Argentina, Austria, Botswana, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Finland, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Namibia, Peru, the Philippines, Slovakia, and Uruguay.

BriteCloud’s prospects are by no means limited to the Gripen.  In September 2016, the U.K. Ministry of Defence placed a $3.3 million order for the decoy for flight trials on RAF Tornado aircraft.

Helping to broaden the decoy’s appeal, Leonardo, in June 2017, launched BriteCloud 218, which adapts BriteCloud technology to fit into 2-in x 1-in x 8-in dimensions and is designed to be compatible with aircraft that use this standard size of flare cartridge, such as the widely operated F-16 and F-15.

Please feel free to use this content with Forecast International and analyst attributions, along with a link to the article. Contact Ray Peterson at +1 (203) 426-0800 or via email at for additional analysis.


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