Forecast Roundtable, #3

Featuring Forecast International analysts Doug Royce, Derek Bisaccio and Daniel Darling. Edited by Matthew Beres.

2podcast logoWelcome to the third episode of the Forecast Roundtable podcast. Each podcast features several analysts discussing various aerospace and defense-related issues.

This week Doug Royce continues the interviews of Derek Bisaccio and Daniel Darling regarding Middle East defense cooperation and military acquisition. Matthew Beres edited.

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PodcastButton100:50 – What’s happening with defense budgets in the region now that oil prices are going down?

02:25 – How does Israel feel about the defense buildup that’s happening in the GCC?

04:27 – F-35 comments

04:32 – Israel and Turkey’s Relationship

10:22 – Defense trade between the Arab world and China. Will China be a future competitor for the U.S. and European companies?

12:05 – Will the future see greater reliance on China as an arms supplier to GCC countries?

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For 50 years, Forecast International intelligence reports have been the aerospace and defense industry standard for accurate research, analysis, and projections. Our experienced analysts compile, evaluate, and present accurate data for decision makers. FI's market research reports offer concise analysis of individual programs and identify market opportunities. Each report includes a program overview, detailed statistics, recent developments and a competitive analysis, culminating in production forecasts spanning 10 or 15 years. Let our market intelligence reports be a key part of reducing uncertainties and mastering your specific market and its growth potential. Find out more at

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